At the age of 13, he set the IPL on fire and the biggest bid in the history of IPL came. The IPL auction is over but something happened in this IPL auction which had never happened in the history of IPL till now. You heard it right, today a new world record has been made in IPL because at the age of 13, a small child has set the IPL on fire and the biggest bid in the history has come. What is the whole matter, we will tell you, so see, if we talk about it, a new record has been made in the IPL auction. Yes, you heard it right, a 13-year-old player has been bought in the IL auction and the name of the player who has created history is Vaibhav Suryavanshi. Yes, Vaibhav Suryavanshi has been bought in the IPL auction and let me tell you that Vaibhav Suryavanshi has been sold in the IL auction at the age of 13. He is the first player in the history of IL to be sold at the age of 13. He is the youngest player.
That means a world record, a new record was made in IL today that a 13-year-old boy came and was bought in auction and let me tell you that there was a fight for this boy and a strong team, a good team Rajasthan Royals bought Vaibhav Suryavanshi and let me tell you that Delhi Capitals bid for Vaibhav Suryavanshi up to 1 crore, yes, Delhi Capitals also went, Rajasthan Royals also went, there was a fight between the two teams to buy a 13-year-old boy and in the end Rajasthan Royals bought Vaibhav Suryavanshi, meaning they bought him saying come brother, come to us and let me tell you that Vaibhav Suryavanshi got 1 crore 10 lakh in the auction, yes 1 crore
then Rajasthan Royals placed a bid of 1 crore 10 lakhs and after that Delhi Capitals refused to go further than this. Can’t go and let me tell you about this kid, Vaibhav has played five first class matches and Vaibhav has played five first class matches for Bihar, which means his age is just 13 years and at this age of 13, Vaibhav Suryavanshi has been sold in the IPL auction, he is the youngest player ever to be sold in the history of IPL auction and it is expected that right now he will be sold only in IL auction He has been sold and you will soon see him playing in the IPL. If this happens, then at the age of 13 he will become the youngest player to play in the IPL. Bhai sahib, in the IPL auction, some got 27 crores, some got 26 crores 75 lakhs, but in the end, the one who won everyone’s heart on, please do tell us by commenting.”